6 week post-op appointment and my experience trying to get off of crutches (so far)

My 6 week appointment went really well! Dr. Schrader said my bone growth looked good and that my range of motion was still very good. He said I was cleared to start weaning off of crutches, and I could begin any strengthening exercises. I started on my protocol for weeks 8-12, which involves mini squats and straight leg raises. I have my first PT appointment in 5 days! Flexion is still a work in progress, but I can do a few straight leg raises. Dr. Schrader said I can start riding the bike when I feel stable. For now I am still riding the stationary bike. I included an image with my lateral center edge angle and tonnis angle so you can see the drastic increase in coverage. My angles are now in the normal range. Hopefully this increase in bony stability will help my symptoms and decrease further damage to the labrum. So far my hip feels great! All of the sitting pain, groin pain, and pain in the front of the hip has been basically nonexistent since surgery!

However, my SI joint has taken a hit. It was a little uncomfortable during the first part of recovery, but when I started putting more weight on my right leg the pain reached a new level. I was careful to gradually increase weight while still using 2 crutches, but it seems it was still too much too fast. My SI joint was (and still is a little bit) taking too much of the force from walking. As the muscles around my hip get stronger, my gait should become more even. I will also be sitting less which I think will help. For now, I am just resting more than usual and being very careful to not put too much weight on it too fast. It would be different if it was just a little sore, but at its worst my SI joint pain and stiffness made me dread even standing up a few days ago. I asked Dr. Schrader if I could take Naproxen for a few days, and he said that was fine. It is starting to feel much better than it did a few days ago, and I think I am almost ready to go down to one crutch! Today I might try one crutch around the house. If you want an update on how that goes, I provide much more frequent updates on Instagram @myhipjourney. Getting off of crutches is a tricky business, and it is different for everyone. Progressing too fast can lead to back and SI joint pain, but not pushing enough will make the process take much longer than it has to. Listeing to your body is crucial during this time. It is an exciting time as well. Walking for the first time without pain or a limp is an incredible feeling. I can’t wait to experience it again. After my last surgery I appreciated each step so much more than before.

While I am waiting on the ability to walk, the bike and pool have both been crucial components of recovery. I will still use the bike and pool throughout recovery, but I would say weeks 4-10 are the most important for these 2 activities (for me at least).

Oh and here’s a scar update: 2 days post-op versus 5.5 weeks post-op


I will be 7 weeks post-op Friday, and I am moving back to Chapel Hill Saturday!

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